Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

Story 17 and Last Day of In-Person Workshop Sale…


This is the last day of the In-Person Early Bird Sale. Here are the spots remaining in the In-Person classes coming up….

  • Gothic                 May 5-8th, 2025… 1 Spot Left
  • Time Travel         October 13-16th, 2025… 2 Spots Left
  • Adventure           January 12-15th, 2026… Waiting List
  • World Building    May 4-7th, 2026… 1 Spot Left
  • Detectives.          October 12-15th, 2026… 2 Spots Left

So until late today (Saturday), as an early-bird discount, the normal workshop fee of $750 is $600. If you sign up and pay today. Save $150.

Also, for the first time since 2018, we are offering a lifetime subscription to In-Person classes. This includes all craft nd the Anthology workshop and any other in-person classes we do into the future. (This is never given away as a challenge reward on Teachable.)

And credits from Teachable or the Everything Subscription on Teachable do NOT apply.

The cost for a Lifetime Subscription to all In-Person workshops is $3,000. This also includes a Lifetime Subscription to the Study Alongs which costs $1,500. Write me if interested and also write me to sign up for any of the In-Person workshops…

IMPORTANT NOTE!! We hold a spot or two in each class for Lifetime Subscribers after a class fills up, so no worries there.

And note, Kris and I were talking about doing a class on Licensing In-Person right ahead of the Licensing Expo in late May of 2026. Not scheduled yet, but would be added into the Lifetime to In-Person subscription of course.

Write to sign up for the In-Person classes or the Lifetime Subscription.

The Kris And Dean Show Does BACK TO THE FUTURE

Fun… This will be up on Teachable tomorrow…

You know how we did Die Hard? Well this will focus a ton on openings, foreshadowing, pacing, and a ton on information flow, which is critical in BACK TO THE FUTURE. Very different, yet the same idea of going through the movie frame-by-frame, scene-by-scene as we did in Die Hard.

Should be a ton of fun. $50 early bird before it appears on Thursday, February 13th. Then $75 after.

It will be posted on Teachable tomorrow.


I am brutally tired, but managed a full night’s sleep last night, so that helped.

I got the first story spellchecked and out for Kris to read in the next day or so. I will be giving her one story per day in order, so the publishing side of this challenge will lag about three weeks behind the writing part.

I will be putting the collections in my Patreon, also issues of Smith’s Monthly. And I will have a Shopify store connected to this web site in a week or so. On the store I will post one story a day to read only on the store site, plus all the stories and collections will be for sale there. Each story priced at $1.99 and each collection at $6.99.

Also all the issues of Smith’s Monthly will be there. Stay turned.

And eventually I will have a signed and limited hardback set for sale there as well.

After a lunch with the writers and then a webinar, I went grocery shopping and then cooked dinner and then watched the movie about the 90 minutes before the launch of Saturday Night. Good movie.

I made it to my writing computer by 11:15 pm. Still not early enough, but better.

I smashed “Room Without” and “A Reason” half titles together to get “Room Without a Reason.” My first thought as I typed that in was another Bryant Street story, but I went ahead and started writing and ended up doing a summary opening for a Thunder Mountain story. (Summary opening is something from the Advanced Depth class we offer every month.)

So I went along with that, not a clue where I was going in Chapter Two, and then feel asleep at my computer.

Well, damn. Went downstairs and took a ten minute nap and then came back up and finished the story around 2,500 words. Got a hunch I had better cycle through that in the morning before firing on the next story. Too tired to spend even another minute there tonight. And it felt like it might be a novel start but in my exhaustion I seemed to wrap it down just fine. I hope.



  • Glyn

    Great to hear what you are doing, but a phrase comes to mind – burning the candle at both ends.

    Falling asleep at the computer is a sure sign your body is screaming at you to slow it down a touch.

    You’ve had a stroke. You don’t want another or worse, a heart attack.

    Worried about you, as I hope Kris is.


    • dwsmith

      Thanks, but yup, tired, but all right. That’s why I am fighting to start the stories earlier.

      And I have fallen asleep at computers my entire life (well, since computers came in anyway.) And now I stop and rest my eyes a lot more than I used to, so head down, eyes closed… wjham… nap!