My Story A Day Challenge…
Going Okay, But…
The “but” is coming from critical voice, of course. It has been a stupidly busy first two weeks of the month and I got into a bad habit right out of the gate of starting the story too late at night. Way, way too late.
Problem with that is being tired I tell my creative voice to do something short, and a lot of my Marble Grant stories and Bryant Street stories are in the 2,000 word range, so even though I never plan it, I default back to them. Amazing how powerful the creative voice is. It wants me to finish a story a day, but I am not giving it a fighting chance.
So that is going to change and change quickly, meaning like with story #17.
Tonight, beyond tired, I started story #16 at 12:30 am, again way, way too late.
Ended up smashing two half-titles together for the title “Something in the Summer Guests.” Marble Grant story and it turned out fun around 2,000 words. Marble Grant is voice and they write easy because I have done so many Marble Grant stories.
So now I am back writing, it is time to give the fiction each day more of a priority and get started earlier.
The publication part of the challenge is right on track. Maybe a couple weeks behind where I had hoped, but that’s not bad at all.
So now off to get a real night’s sleep.