Challenge,  workshops

Kris and I Both Noticed…

Writer’s Having Trouble with Five Senses…

Especially Taste and Smell. So Kris came up with an entire series of short classes, with a webinar at the end for questions, to deal with this problem, and other problems writers are having.

She decided she liked the idea of doing a series of  QUICK AND DIRTY WORKSHOPS. Short Solutions to Long-Term Problems.

The first one is on Taste and Smell and is available now and will start shortly. Three weeks of videos from Kris, two assignments, then after the third week Kris will do a webinar to answer questions.

It is on the WMG Writer Store because of the webinar involved. (She is doing a craft class right now on Teachable called Craft for the 21st Century. You can jump into it and catch up. She loves teaching craft and plans on a bunch more, besides the in-person classes she does.)

And by the way, the two lifetime subscriptions to all classes and workshops on the WMG Writer store (includes a discount on merch) are still available. $3,500 at the moment, but as we get more of the bugs worked out, the cost will be $5,000. But still two at $3,500. Write me if interested.

This will be an amazing first class in a series of great craft classes taught by Kris.

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