Day Eleven of Writing a Novel in Half a Month
Chapter Eleven: Day Eleven of Writing a Novel in Half a Month
Last night got to bed at my normal 4 am time, still woke up exhausted at 11:30 am, but realized after a bi that was because of the crazy level of allergies that the winds are kicking up. Yikes. So feeling better after a bit. (Better living with drugs.)
Day Eleven, Entry One.
12:15 pm to 2:00 pm. I worked straight through on email. Today is Sunday, which is a lot of deadlines for stuff, and writers always wait until deadlines, so email today has been brutal. So spent the entire almost two hours just cleaning that up.
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Over eating lunch, Kris and I worked on a future workshop that will be very cool.
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Yes, with breaks and a very short nap, I worked on email and workshop stuff for three hours. I recorded a week of one workshop, a couple of other things as well, then loaded it all and got things ready for tomorrow. Again, this month is not normal. If I had to do this much workshop stuff every month before the first, I would be cutting back or stopping the workshops. This just built up to stupid levels because I wasn’t paying attention on when I was setting start dates. (My bad… grin)
6:00 pm to 8 pm. I headed out to get a long walk, as well as pick up some pizza from a fantastic place now in the Arts District. (Used to be in the Pawn Stars mall.) Kris and I watched news while eating the pizza. Yummy!
8:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Caught up the email again, then came here to write this. No words yet, but headed that way in a minute.
Day Eleven, Entry Tw0.
8:30 pm to 10:00 pm. I wrote some words, then worked on workshop and email stuff. Ended up with about 600 words on the novel.
10:00 pm to 11:30 pm. Watched television with Kris.
11:30 pm to 12:00 midnight. Cleaned up some more workshop and email stuff.
12:01 am to 2:45 am. Wrote. With breaks along the way. Ended up with right at 3,000 words when I said that was enough. Took a break, watched a little television and then came in here and did this blog entry and then the blog about the workshop sale.
So a busy day, but a good one.