Challenge,  On Writing

Challenge Day Four… Crazy Busy…

4:30 AM, So Not Writing Much On Publishing…

I recorded the first week of both the Publishing Monday and also the Bite-Sized Branding and Trademark. And I had a lot to talk about tonight on that which will have to wait for tomorrow or the next. Story took me longer to finish, mostly because I got started on it so late .

Learning and Such…

The codes for the 12 Day Holiday Sale are still active and will be until Monday, so just a few more days and then they go away.

Starting next week is the Romance Novella class on the WMG Writer Store (Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Mystery Novella classes are still available as well there.) Also starting on Tuesday on the WMG Writer store is the second half of the Writer’s Block class. First half is still available and you can go through it and the recorded webinars and join the second half.

Day Four… Short Story Challenge…

Crazy busy day. Started off with me crawling out of bed and getting to email by 1 pm. Worked on that for an hour, then Kris and I headed for a great lunch at the Black and Blue Cafe. (Breakfast for me.)

We made it back by 4 pm and I figured as busy as the day was looking, I needed to start a story.

So I went back to my writing computer, smashed two half-titles together and came up with the title “Lust and the Money.” Figured that with money it as a Poker Boy story, so off I went doing about 400 words in 30 minutes. Good enough.

I went back and worked on an issue of Pulphouse, actually two issues, plus some work on the Kickstarter we are launching on Tuesday.

Finally by 6 I went and took a nap and then cooked us dinner.

Back up here by 8:30 and recorded two weeks of workshops and then kept working on Pulphouse issue.

Nap at 10:30, second short one of the day. Watched some television with Kris, back up here by 12:30 to finish up even more on the issue of Pulphouse.

By 1:30 am I decided I had better get back to the story because I had no idea how long it was going to take.

I did another 800 words, took a twenty minute break, then in two sessions of 1,000 words or so each, I finished  it by 4 am.

“Lust and the Money” A Poker Boy Story. Turned out fun, as most Poker Boy stories end up.

Day’s total of consumable words is

2,700 sstory.

1,100 of introduction.

300 misc other writing.

4,000 words for the day.

Now I need to relax and get some sleep. Night.



  • Kerridwen Mangala McNamara

    I love that you’re a night owl, too… all too often you hear advice about “just get up earlier and you’ll get more done”.
    Drives me crazy.
    I’m not functional in the morning and earlier does not shift it for me, just gives me more hours where I feel icky and move around like a zombie. Did it for years, so it’s not an issue of acclimating.

    OTOH, it looks like you might be close to wrapping around and being a morning lark in another week…!

  • Peyton Bowman

    Thank you for sharing your updates — it means a lot to us readers.

    Do you ever evaluate your progress on other criteria besides words produced? Do some 1000 words ‘feel’ better than other 1000 words (does this make sense?)

    • dwsmith

      I learned decades ago that the experience of writing a story or a bunch of words has nothing at all to do with the product. Nothing.

      Annoying but true. I can really struggle over a thousand words and they are fine and I can just power through and have no issue on a different thousand words and the quality will not change.

      The experience of writing makes absolutely no difference in the final product.