A Copyright Scam
On Facebook and Other Places… You know how really stupid writers are about copyright when some company can offer a way to make money off of the writers by sounding stupid and using terms wrong. The scam I have seen numbers of times now is that a company will offer to “Copyright Your Work” for you for a measly $99.00 plus fees. Not kidding. (I bet those of you who understand copyright just shook your heads.) And I got a hunch the scam artists on this one have a lot of takers. All writers too stupid to realize that the moment they wrote their story in some form, it was…
Lifetime Subscribers Offer
Something Special For Lifetime Workshop Subscribers… After some discussion at WMG Publishing, we have decided to occasionally offer something special to the Online Workshop Lifetime Subscribers. Not all of the lifetime subscribers will be able to take us up on the offer, but we want to make the offer anyhow. So we want to offer a $750 Publishing Master Business Class to anyone who is a lifetime subscriber between now and September 1st. That’s right, $750 tuition on us. I have sent letters to all lifetime workshop subscribers giving them the details. If you become a lifetime workshop subscriber before then, the offer will stand for you as well. The…
Blog Number 2,166
Every Day for Almost Six Years… I haven’t missed a day yet. Now ain’t that silly? On August 1st it will be six years if I don’t miss between now and then. That will be 2,190 days of never missing a blog. Some blogs had value, some were worthless like this one. Imagine if I had that same streak going writing a short story per day? Now that would be interesting. And some stories would have some value and others not-so-much. It’s been an interesting six years, that’s for sure. I am making note of this because today I started really tracking weight, walking distance, and running distance, as well…
Store Has New Sign And Fun Stuff
It’s Friday, So Some Fun Stuff… First off, one of my books from my Seeders Universe is in a nifty bundle that you can buy just about everywhere. But for a ton more information on this bundle called Sci-Fi-July Redux, go to… https://bundlerabbit.com/b/sci-fi-july-redux And I have one of my all-time favorite stories in a nifty short story bundle called The UFO Bundle. Kris has a great story in this one as well. But I love my little story because it just is flat out weird. Just look at the cover blurb. (grin) Get information at https://bundlerabbit.com/b/ufos Our South Pop Culture store has a new sign just put up today. You should…
A Copyright Question
Going To Phrase It A Little Differently Tonight… Fact: You sold all rights to your book, signed them all away in some contract that seemed like a good idea at the time. Your book no longer exists in your magic bakery. Now, a corporation owns your book, is doing nothing with it, and you can’t get it back. It is an accounting number on their financial bookkeeping. All your work is gone. Poof. Because you made a bad decision and signed over all rights for the life of the copyright. (All the writers I saw in Barnes&Noble did that, sadly.) Question: When can you or your heirs publish that book?…
July Workshops and Copyright
Still Time to Jump In… Kris and I have been working some on the two new regular workshops, Information Flow and The Magic Bakery, and they are turning out really nifty so far, in my opinion. The Magic Bakery will help put this business in complete perspective. And Information Flow is going to be tough, but an eye-opener. And I had a question yesterday that made me realize that writers just don’t know much about the aspects of Public Domain, and thus Copyright. So if I asked the question… “Can your heirs still sell your work 71 years after your death, when your work has dropped into the public domain?”…
Making A Living With Short Fiction 2018
Back By Popular Demand… Actually, I am bringing this forward from May 2016 and it is mostly unchanged. I will put in BOLD ALL-CAP ITALICS when I have changed something. ———— Can You Make a Living Writing Only Short Fiction? Every year or so I look at this topic once again, do the math, see if anything has changed over the last couple of years. And now, here in May 2016, things have changed some, but in my opinion it would still be possible to make a decent living writing only short fiction. Why do I like this topic? Actually, because I love short fiction, meaning any story under around…
Second Day of Exercise and Fun Pictures
Just As With Writing Restart… I am ramping up slowly. I spent my first week here in Vegas resting and working around the condo. Kris would go off to one of the gyms to run and I would go with her and explore the area or do errands. This week, starting yesterday, I got on the exercise clothes (what a slightly overweight 67-year-old wears… sweat pants and a baggy tee-shirt) and went with Kris to the gym. I walked the track while she ran, doing about three miles. And actually ran about 1/8th of a mile to see how it felt. (awful) Today I went again with her and ran…
To Tired to Care
Not Sure Why I’m So Tired… But Kris laughs when I say that. Anyhow, got back this early evening from actually walking and doing a tad bit of running on the track for the first time, had a small dinner, and then fell asleep on the couch. Three or so hours later I woke up enough to watch a little television. I then did some email and now am writing this before heading off to bed. Exhausted. Seems all the moving and months of short night’s sleep and all the trips back and forth from the coast to Vegas have finally caught up with me. Night. (And once again I…
Kris’s Website Is Down
We know about the site being down and there are a host of wonderful people working on it as I type this. It should be back up by tomorrow (Monday) just fine. Ahh, aren’t these things fun. (grin)