Challenge,  workshops

Advanced Craft Classes Sale…

Plus Sale on Lifetime Everything Subscription…

I have up all the ADVANCED CRAFT classes I am going to put up right now on Teachable, plus the bundle for all six of them in 2025.  I am going to wait to put up the Sept/Oct classes and the Nov/Dec classes for 2025 until we get past the 2024 ones.

We did six Advanced Craft classes in 2023, are in the process of doing six more in 2024, and there will be a new six advanced craft classes in 2025. All are available every year. See the schedule below.

18 Total when we get to the end of 2025.  Wow!

The new six craft classes for 2025 are:

  • Advanced Rule of Three
  • Advanced Setting
  • Advanced Cliffhangers
  • Advanced Novel Structure
  • Advanced Tension/Suspense
  • Advanced Making Stuff Up

But Remember!!!  Starting On September 3rd (in one week) are…

  • Advanced Genre
  • Advanced Conflict

I honestly think the Advance Genre class might be one of the most important classes not only for the craft elements, but for sales and keeping readers buying more of your books.

Starting On November 5th (in two months) are…

  • Advanced Emotions
  • Advanced Unputdownable

Then the schedule for 2025 for Advanced Craft Classes is the following… (All are full 9-week workshops with assignments.)

January/February 2025…

  • Advanced Rule of Three
  • Advanced Dialog
  • Advanced Pacing

March/April 2025…

  • Advanced Setting
  • Advanced Humor
  • Advanced Character Development

May/June 2025…

  • Advanced Cliffhangers
  • Advanced Endings
  • Advanced Floating Viewpoints

July/August 2025…

  • Advanced Novel Structure
  • Advanced Information Flow
  • Advanced Voice

Sept/Oct 2025…

  • Advanced Tension/Suspense
  • Advanced Genre
  • Advanced Conflict

Nov/Dec 2025…

  • Advanced Making Stuff Up
  • Advanced Emotion
  • Advanced Unputdownable

These are all nine weeks long, all have assignments each week, and each group of six done each year can be bought in a bundle.

WE WILL DO THAT EXACT SAME SCHEDULE FOR 2026 AND FOR 2027. So you have time if you get a bundle to get them all done. The 2025 ones are in the 2024 and 2023 bundles now.

EVERYTHING LIFETIME SUBSCRIBERS… I sent you an email with the code to get into the bundle through Teachable.  If you did not get it, turn on your email on Teachable and in a few weeks I will send it again.


For the next week, meaning Monday September 2nd on WMG Teachable, all ADVANCED CRAFT classes and the bundles they come in are half off. (You can bundle them by year or take one at a time.)

Also, if you want them all, the most economical way to get all 18 is to get the EVERYTHING LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION, so for the next week, that also is half price. (Best deal we have when on sale by far.) In that subscription it will have all 18 of the Advanced Craft classes, and also EVERYTHING ELSE on Teachable.

The code to get the Advance Craft classes half off is


Hit purchase, then put in the code and hit apply and you will have the class at 50% off.

Sale only going to last until September 2nd.


If you are looking to grab the EVERYTHING LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION and already have a Lifetime to workshops or Pop-Ups or something, write me directly and I can give you a little more discount on top of the half-price deal.

Kris and I are really excited about the new Advanced Craft classes in 2025, plus starting in one week on September 3rd is the new Advanced Genre class that I promise will blow your mind by the time you are done. So much fun!!

Write me with questions…

These 18 classes are designed to help a writer get to Stage Four levels of writing. Don’t worry if you don’t think you are ready for them. Take them, learn, and then go back to them as you keep learning. Awareness of what is possible is the most powerful writing tool a writer can acquire to become a better storyteller.

All new and available Advanced Craft classes have a cat image now. Easy to spot!!


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