Branding,  Challenge,  publishing

Accidental Branding…

Happens to Most Writers…

Pretty simple how it happens. You end up with a logo or a certain look or on a series of books. You are doing it because it looks cool and to tie your books together, which is a basic form of branding for sales.

All fun and if you let it slip or change it down the road, the brand is gone.

But what most writers don’t know or seldom think about is the increased value of their copyright, their trademark, their brand caused by doing something that simple.

Granted, most writers worry  bout how many sales they are making month-to-month and nothing about creating value and wealth longer term.

One measure I use is the Licensing Expo held here in Vegas every May. If I can imagine that brand being pitched at the expo, I know it has value. On the Writer Direct webinar we do every week on WMG Writer Store, I bet at least twice a month I am pointing out a brand idea to a writer.

And with a brand nw series we are doing a Kickstarter for in the near future, the covers came back with a fantastic brand. An accidental brand that could really boost sales and distribution not only of books and products, but with licenses at the Licensing Expo. In fact, the brand could be huge!!

Accidental brands. Great fun. You just have to know enough about branding and copyright and trademark to recognize them when they come around.

One Comment

  • Kerridwen Mangala McNamara

    So glad I came across some of your other comments on this topic a while back. I’ve been trying to be intentional… or at least aware!

    I love all these snippets you give us on the blog. I can’t wait to go through all the various detailed classes on each topic. (After I finish this Challenge… right now I’m racing…)

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