Branding,  Challenge,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

A Branding Summary,,,

Figuring Out What I Missed…

When you write a series of nonfiction posts on something, with no outline or path you are intending to go, unlike fiction, it can get really jumbled.  And then do the posts over almost ten months of crazy busy stuff, it gets stupidly disorganized.

Yeah, I did that.

So now my attempt to start figuring out what I have missed in these branding posts turns out to be tougher than I thought it might be.  I started doing branding posts back in February with a post titled:

Fiction Branding Part 1…

About different types of branding using the Bryant Street books as an example.
By May I had done 12 posts on branding when things at WMG really hit the fan and it got stupidly crazy. I talked about branding some in the posts about Kris and I at the Licensing Expo and then more in the class of Attend the 2024 Licensing Expo with Dean and Kris.
By the first of July I had done four more branding posts, but they were getting pretty scattered on topics at that point. So there are about 16 numbered posts on branding and a few extras.
After going over all these tonight, the only thing I can do is print them all out, try to put an order on them, and come back in a few weeks with branding topics I have missed. So the branding posts will return. Just not tonight.
But going back over all this I realized I had done something really fun along the way. I had talked about my reading of manuscripts for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine as I read. Not in specific terms, but in general terms and observations and ways to help writers in general with what I was seeing in the reading.
And why I was either buying or sending stories back.
Well, I have started into the stories sent to me for Pulphouse in August and I have noticed some trends already. So as I go through the reading of six months of stories when all is said and done, I will do posts here about what I am seeing to try to help everyone interested. Maybe one or two a week.
So I will be doing that as I try to make sense of the branding posts.
And maybe (if the experts following along here will forgive my general nature), I will do a few trademark posts from a writer’s perspective. Not a legal perspective since I am not a lawyer, but a writer perspective. I tried to start that once before and got so disgusted at it all, I stopped. Maybe better luck a second try. (grin)
So onward.


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