Interesting Reaction…

…To the Free Promotions Post Last Night. Writers will pay more thousands of dollars than I want to think about to take a class on how to do paid ads on Amazon and other places from writers who have been around a year or so and have a “system.” And then spend more thousands on the ads. And then spend even more to fly to 20 to 50 Conference to learn even more methods, secrets, and systems of how to promote and make money without doing the work. Yet Amazon and the other places have free tutorials on how to do ads that work on their own site. Tutorials are free. And last night I put up a bunch of ways to do free promotion for your books. Not inclusive by a long ways, but a bunch. All of them were just the basics that most early writers don’t do. And I put it all up free. I expected other writers to chip in by saying, “And yes, I also do this… or that…” You know, stuff beyond the basics. Things like YouTub and Book videos and so much more cool stuff that is basically free promotion. But nope. Not one. Figured out why. I was talking free and free has no value. But if I had said for $5,000, I’ll teach you forty ways to promote your books without any extra costs, a bunch of people would sign up for it. Maybe I missed a boat-load of money, but clearly I missed something last night by putting out all those natural and free ways to promote books for free. I was honestly hoping to learn of more ways from all the smart people out there chipping in even more ways to promote books for free. Instead, it seems all I did was some typing.